Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What is a Grad Project?

1) What are the important parts of a graduation project?
-Research paper, display board about the topic, and the most important being a presentation in front of judges and the creation of their product relating to the topic.

2) What are some reasons students choose the topics they do?
-They are interested in those topics. If one topic fails, they move on to the next they'd like to do as an actual career.

3) What are some ways students can demonstrate the knowledge they've gained about their topics?
-By creating projects and presenting them to the judges. Also by persuing them later in life.

4) What are some tools students to make their presentations more interesting?
-PowerPoint, Speeches, and Videos.

1) Based on your reading and your notes, what is a graduation project?
-It is a project that is required to graduate. The project is taking a topic one is interested in and doing something in real life relating to that topic. They then use what they did in real life to make some form of presentation and present it in front of judges.

2) Based on your reading, notes and discussion, describe the attributes of a student that can successfully complete a graduation project?
-A student that can successfully complete a graduation project is a student that is ambitious, a good speaker, a good presenter, someone who is also confident and creative.

Grad Project :'[

1) What have you heard about the graduation project at City high?
-I heard it is a very nerve racking thing. Past students have complained about it, but never that it was too horrible to complete. After it was done they were happy, so it will just be an annoying process.

2) What are some interests you have that you think you might like to structure a project around?
-Technology, Gaming, Tinkering, and Engineering.

3) What are some of the concerns that you have about the graduation project?
-Is it over yet?! But seriously that I won't finish in time or that my project will fall apart.

Pointless Title

1) Do you think constant blogging signs of an unhealthy obsession or a harmless, spirited past time?
-I believe that it could be both depending on how it is done. I think what seperates the too is whether it is a need or want. If it is a necesity, then it most likely is an unhealthy obsession.

2) What makes another person's blog worth reading?
-Basically it being interesting and entertaining. If it's bland and boring then it's not worth reading.

3) By what "rules" do you think fellow bloggers should abide and why?
-Don't attack other bloggers for their views. Its really annoying when someone rants and someone else attacks their rant when in fact that person also rants.

Monday, April 26, 2010


1) What is blogging, according to the article?
-Blogging is a pastime, and even a livelihood for a few.

2) How many blogs has the blog-tracking company, Technorati, counted?
-They have counted 2.5 million blogs.

3) What percentage of online use uses blogs, according to Jupiter Research?
-About 4%.

4) What reason does Richard Wiggins give for writing blogs?
-To get things off his chest/mind.

5) How does Scott Ledere justify the time he spends blogging?
-He feels like he's participating in something important.

6) What does Jeff Jarvis mean by "the obligation to blog"?
-He means that its an obligation because you're involved in a conversation.
You are connected to people through the blog and it is not just some obsession.

7) According to Barbara Quint, what is it about blogging that makes it more attractive than cash?
-The web's "illusion to immortality"

8) What are some of the pitfalls to frequent blogging?
-Becoming a chronic blogger or becoming obsessed.